Are you weak because you are being supported?

If you had asked me that question 10 yrs ago I would have said, "YES!". After all, if I wanted it done right I needed to do it myself, right! I just had to put on my cape and my "mask" and greet the world head-on as a one-woman "get-er-done" band.
Today, I am fresh off of a VIP Day with my coach and I am so clear as to the why, when, what and how. I am up leveling myself so that I can give the best to those I support! What I have come to realize is that for me to show up as and be my BEST SELF, I need to be supported.
Below is a, FB Live video in which I discuss this exact topic. In it, I reveal a surprising secret about myself that very few people know. It is a great example of how being supported can make a huge difference in your life. I also introduce my upcoming new "ROCKSTAR" Leadership Road Map Program starting in 2018.
Please watch and let me know your thoughts? Do you believe that you are weak if you are supported?
You can reply to this blog.
P.S. If you are interested in my #1 US and International Best Selling Book, Redefining "ROCKSTAR" Leadership and want to know how you can obtain it, I have (3) options for you. One of the options includes getting a personal "signed" copy. Go to my Book Launch Page on my website and get the details from there.
P.S.S. You can apply for a Discovery Session, where we can discuss how I can possibly support you, at